Trinity Tidings- May 15th

Posted on: May 16th, 2022 by Brad Peterson


Men’s Band Concert, Sunday, May 22nd, 9 am.

Simply Giving Mania!  From May 1st till June 5th, if you join our automated giving program Simply Giving or increase your current Simply Giving by $5 a month, you will get entered into a drawing to win four tickets.  What tickets?  YOUR CHOICE!  Choices are: Brewers-Twins game at Target Field, an event at the Pablo Center in Eau Claire, or an event at the Mabel Tainter in Menomonie.  Pick up a form on the round table in the Narthex or included in this Good News. 

Vacation Bible School! Sign-up today for VBS on June 13-17th, 9 am till 12:00 pm every day for ages 4-6th grade.  Cost is $10 per student. 

VBS Help Needed:  Luther Park will not be running VBS for this year.  We need help with setting up crafts and helping to watch kids.  Please talk to PB or Katie if you can help. 

VBS Snacks Needed:  Sign-up in the Narthex to provide snacks for Vacation Bible School in June.

Graduate Recognition Sunday May 22nd at 9 am.

Women of Trinity Summer Gathering, June 2nd, 6 pm.  All women are invited to attend this annual event!  Gather with other women for a meal, fellowship, and fun!  Sign-up in the Narthex so we can have a good count for food.

Summer Fellowship  We need fellowship servers starting on June 12th.  Please see the sign-up sheet in the Narthex to serve!

Summer Cake Walk  The Women of Trinity take over the Cake Walk in the summer to help fund their ministries!  See the sign-up on the table in the Narthex!

Don’t forget that you can support Trinity through the Vanco app OR using the donate form on our website.  Download the free app, search for Trinity Lutheran Boyceville, and go from there!


As God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience. Colossians 3:12

  I don’t know what you all do, but I tend to take some time and set out the clothes I’m going to wear about three or four days in advance.  This is a big change, for when I was a kid through even seminary, I tended to just pick the cleanest thing I could find as my style could be described as “sports shirt with jeans or shorts and if it was cold I would grab a sweatshirt.”  I was super stylish.

  But now, there are a lot more things to consider.  What will be going on that day?  Do I have to umpire that night, so I need to have stuff ready for that?  Will I be golfing that day or doing a visit?  What if we are going to be moving stuff around the church?  Do I need an extra t-shirt for working out in that morning?  Do I need to have clerics ready for a funeral or other event?  This is one of the reasons why I set stuff out a few days in advance, mostly to make sure I have the actual clothes I need clean and ready for whatever is going to be happening on those days.

   Here in the reading from above from Colossians, Paul reminds us that we have some new clothes to put on.  Having been loved, saved, and renewed by the grace of God in Jesus Christ, we don’t put on the same clothes we did before.  We are now holy and beloved by God, made that way not by what we have done, but by what Jesus Christ has done for us.  And so we have new clothes to put on.  Clothes like kindness, compassion, humility, meekness, and patience.  These are the clothes we are given to wear out into the world, to show the world the power of God’s love in Jesus Christ.  These are the clothes you are given to effect change in the world.

   Have you ever thought about putting on these clothes?  About intentionally approaching your day with these attributes? Facing a day that you know might be challenging at work with patience?  Thinking about wearing kindness as you deal with a family situation?  Putting on compassion as you use your gifts for the sake of your neighbor?  God in Jesus Christ gives us new clothes to wear, clothes that prepare us for every situation, clothes that speak volumes to the world about what it means to follow Jesus Christ. 

  So as you plan your week and you pick out the clothes you will wear on your body, think about the clothes given to you in Jesus Christ. Put on compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience.  Live by the clothes you have been given, clothes given to you by a Savior who gave his life for yours, has forgiven your sin, make you new, and will one day bring you to eternal life.  May God be with you today and always!


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May 8 Trinity Tidings

Posted on: May 12th, 2022 by Brad Peterson


Men’s Band Concert, Sunday, May 22nd, 9 am.

Simply Giving Mania!  From May 1st till June 5th, if you join our automated giving program Simply Giving or increase your current Simply Giving by $5 a month, you will get entered into a drawing to win four tickets.  What tickets?  YOUR CHOICE!  Choices are: Brewers-Twins game at Target Field, an event at the Pablo Center in Eau Claire, or an event at the Mabel Tainter in Menomonie.  Pick up a form on the round table in the Narthex or included in this Good News. 

Vacation Bible School! Sign-up today for VBS on June 13-17th, 9 am till 12:00 pm every day for ages 4-6th grade.  Cost is $10 per student. 

VBS Help Needed:  Luther Park will not be running VBS for this year.  We need help with setting up crafts and helping to watch kids.  Please talk to PB or Katie if you can help. 

VBS Snacks Needed:  Sign-up in the Narthex to provide snacks for Vacation Bible School in June.

Graduate Recognition Sunday May 22nd at 9 am.

Don’t forget that you can support Trinity through the Vanco app OR using the donate form on our website.  Download the free app, search for Trinity Lutheran Boyceville, and go from there!


  “Surely goodness and mercy  . . .” Psalm 23:6

   If you talk to my friends, they might tell you that I can be pretty negative, especially when it comes to my sports teams.  I’m always complaining about them.  Of course, I usually have a good reason, but I’m also the guy that states a game is over when my team is down by one early in the game.  I’m also pretty negative about my own sporting output, especially on the golf course. 

   Frankly, I sometimes think we as a society are pretty negative about the world.  We look at life and only see . . .bad things.  I can’t blame us, with all that is going on.  But I also think it is a collective symptom of looking only for the negative.  We tend to downgrade the present and romanticize the past.  Lord knows I have been known to do it.  But then I think of these words almost at the end of Psalm 23: “Surely goodness and mercy.”  The key word for that is “surely.”  There is a confidence in that statement.  Surely there will be goodness and mercy, goodness and mercy provided by the Lord.  It is a statement of faith.  Surely.

   I’ve been trying to remind myself of this.  No matter what is going on the world, no matter how much the news I hear makes me fearful or sadness me, in the Lord there is always goodness.  There is always mercy. There is the smile of a child.  A sunny day.  A flower blooming from the ground.  The love of family.  The snuggle of a dog.  A good song, a funny TV show, the delicious bite of a good meal.  Surely.  We are surrounded not just with suffering, pain, and hardship.  I contend that we are surrounded by more blessing, more joy, more gifts then we often see for we take them for granted.  Surely.

   We need a reset of the way we look at our lives.  As I write this, the Wild just lost a playoff game that they really didn’t play well in.  I normally would be depressed and sad and ranting.  But I’m thankful for a great team to watch, a hope that they will win the next game, and trying to be positive.  Why?  Surely goodness and mercy.  I see the terrible headlines in the news but I also have been trying to find stories of hope, of achievement, of people doing amazing things for other people. Surely goodness and mercy.  I’m trying look to see how God is working in and through the people around me. 

   Take a moment to remind yourself of the blessing of life.  Try to see the world through the eyes of your great shepherd Jesus Christ.  Try to exist in the world with these words always on your lips and in your heart: “surely goodness and mercy.”  Surely.  May God bless you this week and always!

Trinity Tidings- May 2

Posted on: May 2nd, 2022 by Brad Peterson


May 2, 2022


Men’s Band Concert, Sunday, May 22nd, 9 am.

Adopt-A-Highway Saturday, May 7th, 8 am.  All ages welcome!  Wear long pants and bring gloves.  Help us care for our stretch of highway and keep God’s creation clean! 

Simply Giving Mania!  From May 1st till June 5th, if you join our automated giving program Simply Giving or increase your current Simply Giving by $5 a month, you will get entered into a drawing to win four tickets.  What tickets?  YOUR CHOICE!  Choices are: Brewers-Twins game at Target Field, an event at the Pablo Center in Eau Claire, or an event at the Mabel Tainter in Menomonie.  Pick up a form on the round table in the Narthex or included in this Good News. 

Vacation Bible School! Sign-up today for VBS on June 13-17th, 9 am till 2:00 pm every day for ages 4-6th grade.  Cost is $10 per student. 

VBS Snacks Needed:  Sign-up in the Narthex to provide snacks for Vacation Bible School in June.

Graduate Recognition Sunday May 22nd at 9 am.

Don’t forget that you can support Trinity through the Vanco app OR using the donate form on our website.  Download the free app, search for Trinity Lutheran Boyceville, and go from there!


  This past Saturday, I had the privilege to be the MC for Boyceville’s Prom.  I always enjoy going and helping out, seeing the kids all dressed up, and talking with them.  It is always fun and special to be invited into these big moments and it also makes you reflect a bit.

  As I was driving home, I thought about the three proms I attended, my Junior prom in 1993, Senior prom in 1994, and then I attended prom at the end of my freshmen year of college in 1995.  In my school, only Juniors and Seniors could go to prom unless invited and I went to all three with the same girl, Deena, who was a year younger than me.  But as I reflected on those proms this past Saturday, I had a realization.  It may even sound cliché, but each of the proms I attended was at a major turning point in my life, where things would not be the same not too long after.  Let me explain.

Junior Prom, 1993

My Junior Prom was held on May 8th, 1993, and it was in our high school gym (as all of our proms were).  My class actually tried to have it offsite as we had lots of money to spend on prom but the school said no.  Our theme was “A Whole New World,” an Aladdin inspired theme, and one of the things I remember was that we got to skip classes to decorate the gym on Thursday and Friday of that week.  Also, being who I am, I arrived with my date early and the DJ for our prom never showed, so we hired one quickly on the spot and I was asked to help carry in all his equipment, including trays and trays of CD’s (for our young people, this was how music was listened to back in the 90’s).  I remember having a great time with my date and my friends and was disappointed I couldn’t go to post prom, which was held in an “Action City” type of place the next town over because my date’s parents said she had to be home by midnight. 

   But that is not what made this prom important in my life.  I have the date burned into my brain because this was the day I knew that my Dad was going to die.  He had cancer, and though he had been diagnosed terminal, we were all hopeful that he was going to last a few more months, maybe even throughout the summer.  I went to visit my Dad in the hospital that morning, and when I walked in I found him all yellow with jaundice and barely able to talk.  And when he did talk, much of it made no sense.  I left after ten minutes as I couldn’t take it and didn’t want to break down in front of him.  As I rode down in the elevator, I knew my Dad was going to die sooner rather than later.  I knew that my life would never, ever, be the same.  On the way to eat with my date, I told her that my Dad was bad and that I was concerned.  But I downplayed it and I don’t know how, but for a few hours I tried to forget what was about to happen to enjoy the prom.  I put on a brave face and pretended everything was ok, when everything really wasn’t.

   He would die two days later, on May 10th, 1993. 

Senior Prom, May 1994

   There is the cliché that your Senior prom is, outside of graduation, kind of a last hurrah.  To appreciate the people and things around you because everything is going to change.  At my Senior prom, I knew that to be true.  One of the reasons for that is that, in the year since my Dad had died, I had changed.  I had grown up.  I had to become independent.  I had to face some things and I had gotten through to the other side. 

  But I also knew this: I was scared.  I was scared to go to college.  I was one of those kids who loved high school.  I knew who I was, I enjoyed what I did, I had a great group of friends, and I was successful.  College?  No clue.  None of my friends were going to the school I was going.  I didn’t know anybody that went there either.  Who would my friends be? Would I meet people?  And also, what happens if I fail?  What if I don’t do well in school or meet the goals I had set for myself?  Being at that Senior Prom was like being in a comfortable position and situation.  But afterwards?  Fear and unknowns.  But mostly fear.

  My last Prom, May, 1995.

    I walked into prom in May of 1995, home from college from the summer for about a week, and I knew one big truth: I no longer belonged here.  Sure, I was with my same date from the previous two proms.  My best friend had walked in with his date right before me.  I knew almost everyone in the room, in a place I had called my home for most of my life.  But I knew I didn’t belong.  I didn’t fit.  It wasn’t me anymore.

  Of course, I loved my friends and my hometown.  But I had changed in my year at college.  The fear that I had felt during my Senior Prom about going to college had been replaced with confidence.  Living outside of my hometown for the first time ever, no longer the principal’s son, I had found myself.  I had a great group of friends, was doing well in my classes, and had found a community at the Campus Ministry at Immanuel Lutheran Church that became like a family.

   I could just tell that I didn’t quite fit the same way anymore in my hometown, like a puzzle piece that kind of fits but really doesn’t.  At first it made me sad, like something was lost.  But then it was more of gratitude.  My hometown and the people therein had shaped and molded me but had also given me the tools to find myself.  And I had.  Little did I know that God had already shoved me onto the path that would lead me to becoming a pastor.  A little bit after this prom, I agreed to be an interim youth director at my church, handling all the programming for the summer (my twin sister came on board to handle the money part).  That would lead me to an idea that would really catapult me: to work at Bible Camp the next summer.  And then the rest is history.

  Three proms that came each time at a moment when my life was about to change.  Junior prom, the loss of my Father, who would shape the rest of my life.  Senior prom, confronting the fear of being able to make it on my own, outside of my comfortable bubble.  And my last prom, where I left the past behind and where God was about to really show me a new path.  Today, I look back and see God’s hand in all of it, and when I go to prom now, I pray that the Lord will be there for our youth, in their joys and fears, sorrows and triumphs, and that one day they will see how God has been at work in their lives, whether through prom’s or not!

   May the Lord bless you today and always!


Me, with my date Deena, my Junior Prom, May 8, 1993




April 24, 2022

Posted on: April 25th, 2022 by Brad Peterson



Bring your household items and clothes to Trinity in April  Every Saturday in April, from 9 am till Noon, we are collecting items as a fundraiser for the Women of Trinity.  All items should be clean and in good condition.  Place clothes and shoes in a trash bag and all other items in boxes. Thank you for supporting the Women of Trinity!

Men’s Band Concert, Sunday, May 1st, 9 am.

Smelt Feed, Sunday, May 1st, 10 am till 11:30 am.  Smelt, meatballs, tater tots, homemade chips, baked beans, dessert, beverage.  Free-will offering taken to support Trinity missions. 

Calling all men!  We are looking for workers for the Smelt Feed!  Sign-up on the table in the Narthex. 

Adopt-A-Highway Saturday, May 7th, 8 am.  All ages welcome!  Wear long pants and bring gloves.  Help us care for our stretch of highway and keep God’s creation clean! 

Simply Giving Mania!  From May 1st till June 5th, if you join our automated giving program Simply Giving or increase your current Simply Giving by $5 a month, you will get entered into a drawing to win four tickets.  What tickets?  YOUR CHOICE!  Choices are: Brewers-Twins game at Target Field, an event at the Pablo Center in Eau Claire, or an event at the Mabel Tainter in Menomonie.  Pick up a form on the round table in the Narthex or included in this Good News. 

Vacation Bible School! Sign-up today for VBS on June 13-17th, 9 am till 2:00 pm every day for ages 4-6th grade.  Cost is $10 per student. 

VBS Snacks Needed:  Sign-up in the Narthex to provide snacks for Vacation Bible School in June.

Graduate Recognition Sunday May 22nd at 9 am.

Don’t forget that you can support Trinity through the Vanco app OR using the donate form on our website.  Download the free app, search for Trinity Lutheran Boyceville, and go from there!


  Now that we are a week past Easter Sunday, a few reflections and some other observations . . .

  • It was nice to have a “normal” Easter again, with the full processional, the confirmation youth making breakfast, seeing the light stream through the stained glass windows, all of the people.  It felt like Easter again after two years of modified or online only services. 
  • A couple of highlights for me during the services:  Seeing the full processional at sunrise worship; during the second service having someone yell out, “Way to go PB” after I got done playing trumpet (first time in the over 30 years I’ve been playing it), seeing Katie get swallowed hole by all the kids at the children’s sermon; a little boy giving me a picture he colored during communion; watching the confirmation kids and parents work so well for the Easter breakfast; and playing uke with Bob at sunrise and Katie at both services. 
  • Another highlight was the fun that was had by those that came out on Good Friday morning to clean the brass, what I dubbed the “Delores Brezina Memorial Brass Cleaning.”  Lots of great help, conversation, and I think Dee was looking down and proud of the fun that we were having (and the shiny look of the polished brass).
  • I’m a strange person.  I have seen the same Liberty Mutual commercial, in which the young spokesperson can’t say the spiel right.  I laugh every time he says “liberty biberty.”  Every single time. 
  • Special thanks to Stan Larson for the gifts of venison bacon and hunter sticks he gave me.  Allowed me to have two types of bacon on Easter!
  • Sadly, due to snow, I did not get a chance to play my post Easter round of golf on Easter Monday.  But we did go out to the first tee and hit a shot in the snow.  I actually hit it down the middle (unlike this past Friday when I actually got to play a full round). 
  • Katie is off this week and if you didn’t get a chance to listen to her podcast, “The Word Examined,” I highly recommend it.  I enjoyed the puns especially in the resurrection episode! 
  • Reese’s Peanut Butter Eggs will be, forever, the best holiday candy ever.  EVER. 
  • Wednesday was our last Crew of the year.  68 kids.  Even though it can be exhausting, I will never take for granted that 68 kids want to hang out for an hour and a half at church, singing songs, eating food, listening to Bible stories.  It wouldn’t be possible without our great helpers (Lonna, Nichole, Trudie, Heather) and all our snack servers.  One kid asked me on Friday when the next Crew was and I reminded him that it was done for the year.  He said, “Aw.” 
  • In this month of April, we have had three special services, with the Cross Generational Worship, Youth Palm Sunday Worship, and the Holy Week and Easter services.  These don’t happen without all those who give of their time and talent to make it happen and our incredible church staff.  Thank you to so many who made those services possible!
  • Since Amy was gone for Easter, I got to eat fish in the house and I made lamb for Easter dinner.  It was delicious! 
  • Some day spring will come . . .

May God bless you today and always!




Trinity Tidings November 13

Posted on: November 13th, 2021 by Brad Peterson


MISSION MADNESS: DOUBLE TROUBLE!  October 31-December 5. Give towards missions, from October 31st to December 5th, and you get “double trouble!”  Both PB and Katie will do crazy things at each giving level we reach.  Come have some fun, support our mission partners, and get PB and Katie into Double Trouble!

$500  PB will give up meat for a week and Katie will give up coffee for a week.  GOAL MET.  GOING ON RIGHT NOW

$1000 PB will eat canned tuna and Katie will eat candy corn (that’s right folks, she hates candy corn).  GOAL MET.  WILL HAPPEN ON NOVEMBER 21

$1250  Katie & PB will get a Pie in the face. You can purchase a ticket for a chance to hit each of us in the face with a pie.  GOAL MET.  WILL HAPPEN ON NOVEMBER 21

$1500 PB and Katie will have a spaghetti eating contest (no hands).  GOAL MET.  WILL HAPPEN ON DECEMBER 5

$1750  PB and Katie will ride tricycles around an obstacle course. GOAL MET.  WILL HAPPEN ON DECEMBER 12

$2000 PB will wear bicycle shorts in public & Katie will wear her Christmas tree costume in public for a day. $120 AWAY FROM MEETING THIS GOAL!

Last chance to directory photography on December 7th. Spots available!  You can sign-up online Monday-Friday at  Enter the church code of wi128 and the password photos and then follow the instructions. 

Calling all 3rd thru 6th Graders! The Crew is back! We will meet on November 17TH  from 3:30pm-5pm. We are excited to have you back!

Deer Hunter’s Worship Service on November 17th at 6 pm.  Wear your orange and camo!

Spaghetti Feed, November 17th, 5 pm till 6pm.  All are welcome!  Served by church council. 

Community Thanksgiving Worship Sunday, November 21st, 7 pm, at Faith Evangelical Free Church in Boyceville.  Bring a non perishable food item for the food pantry. 

Poinsettia’s for Christmas Eve.  Cost is $9.50 per plant.  Make checks payable to Trinity.  Deadline is December 12th.  Look for the forms in the Narthex, in the bulletin and Good News, and posted on the website.

Lefse making  December 8th & 9th, starting at 9 am both days.  Sign-up sheets in the Narthex. Help us with the Trinity tradition! 

Pre-order your lefse!  Sign-up on the table in the Narthex or call the church.  $4 per package with three lefse per package.  Deadline is December 5th for pre-orders. 

Silent Auction items needed for the Youth Gathering Silent Auction on December 11th!  New items only please.  Please have items to the church by December 8th.

Snacks are needed for The Crew. If you would like to supply snacks, please sign up on the sheet on the table in the narthex. Plan for 65 kids.  Want to volunteer?  We would love to have your help at Crew!  Talk to Katie or PB if you are willing.  Please feel free to partner with another family. 

Snacks and teachers needed for Sunday School!  Sign-up on the table in the Narthex or stop in the Sunday School hallway to volunteer. 

Don’t forget that you can support Trinity through the GivePlus app OR using the donate form on our website.  Download the free app, search for Trinity Lutheran Boyceville, and go from there! 


 A few things happened today as I write this on November 14th.  The first is that I took a nap. The second is that Amy and I decorated the house for Christmas (save your judgement.  We love Christmas).  The third is that today is the 15th anniversary of the my Mom’s passing from lung cancer.  As I was putting some of my childhood ornaments on the tree, I thought of my Mom who loved Christmas and I always think of her when I put a particular ornament on the tree, which is a bell that has a shepherd in the style of Precious Moments. I think of my Mom because she loved Precious Moments and when I look inside the bell I see her handwriting, which says “Brad 79” on it, which was the year I received it.  It is one of my most “precious” (see what I did there) ornaments and I always put it in a prominent spot where I can see it. 

  I miss my Mom, but today isn’t necessarily a sad day.  It is a day to remember, a day to give thanks for the wonderful Mom who everyone said I looked like, who taught me the faith, encouraged me to be myself, who told me what took me so long when I told her I felt the call to be a pastor and who, when I had to chance to leave Boyceville after Trinity separated from Our Savior’s that the town and me were made for each other and that I should stay.  And as I’m on the 6th of 7 days of not eating meat, I’m reminded of all the sacrifices my Mom made for my sisters and I and for her students.  My Mom taught all of us the importance of service, to your family, your community, and to God.  She got up at 2 am to make our lunches and do our laundry but also stayed late at school for meetings and to take care of students as a guidance counselor.  And despite the hard things that happened in her life, losing a son and a husband, she always kept the faith and knew that Jesus loved her and blessed her.  She wasn’t afraid to speak her mind for the things she was passionate about and sang in the church choir until she died. 

   This upcoming week, many people in our area will get ready for deer hunting, where they will pass on traditions from generation to generation.  People will be getting ready for Thanksgiving, time spent with family and also remembering those who aren’t there.  Maybe you will be putting up Christmas stuff like we did and thinking about those whom you have loved and who have loved you.  No matter what is happening, take a moment to remember and to give thanks for the people who have shaped and impacted you in life.  Take a moment to remember the faithfulness of God, a God whose faithful love spans from generation to generation, whose saving grace through Jesus Christ means we will see those we remember in glory one day. Finally, remember that in life it isn’t the things that we accomplish in life aren’t nearly as important as the love we share with others. 

  May the Lord bless you and keep you today and always!




Trinity Tidings Sept. 12, 2021

Posted on: September 12th, 2021 by Brad Peterson


Sign-up to schedule your photography appointment for our new Church Directory!  You can sign-up at church on Sundays or online Monday-Friday at   Enter the church code of wi128 and the password directory and then follow the instructions.  Photography dates are November 3rd-6th and each family photographed gets a free 8×10 and a directory.

Calling all 3rd thru 6th Graders! The Crew is back on September 22nd!  You are invited to be part of The Crew meeting at Trinity every other Wednesday. We will have games, activities, faith time, snacks, and much more. The Crew is meant to be somewhere your kids can hang out, grow closer together, grow closer to God, and become stronger in faith. Friends are welcome to attend with you. Our first meeting will be Wednesday, September 22nd from 3:30pm-5pm. We are excited to have you back!

Crew Snacks needed!  See sign-up on the table in the Narthex

Bibles will be distributed on Sunday, October 3rd at 9 am.  Please let Sunday School or PB know if your child needs a Bible.

Mission Trip Presentation has been moved to October 3rd at 9 am.

2022 ELCA Youth Gathering Informational Meeting is Sunday, October 3rd at 10:15am. All youth currently in high school are eligible to attend the Youth Gathering in Minneapolis on July 24 – 28, 2022.

Oktoberfest Craft & Vendor Fair. Saturday, October 9th, 9 am till 2pm at Tiffany Creek Elementary.  Sponsored by the Women of Trinity!

Fall Family Fest, Sunday, October 10th, 3:30 pm till 5:00 pm Inflatable, food, games, and more!  All ages are welcome! 

Sign up to mow the church lawn:

Sign up to water and weed our garden:

Don’t forget that you can support Trinity through the GivePlus app OR using the donate form on our website.  Download the free app, search for Trinity Lutheran Boyceville, and go from there! 


  Today the NFL season begins and I’m very excited because I love watching NFL football (yes, I know the first game was Thursday.  But it really starts to today.  To me at least).  There is a weird thing going on amongst the fan base of my beloved Chicago Bears: hope.  Why is there hope?  Well, the Bears drafted a new quarterback in the first round named Justin Fields who had an incredible career at Ohio State and seems to have a lot of the skills needed to be a successful quarterback in the National Football League.  I’ve been asked my many of you what I thought about this new player and my response is always the same: I assume that since he is wearing a Bears jersey he will stink.  I know, a glum take by me.

   However, the overall fan base is not feeling that way.  They are full of hope, believing that Justin Fields is the answer to our decades of terrible quarterback play (want to know how bad it is? Check out this article right here: Ranking All 45 Bears Quarterbacks Since the Team Last Won the Super Bowl – The Ringer).  They are thinking that Fields is going to be the savior of our franchise and help us to get to the Super Bowl.  Justin Fields has brought them hope and hope is a powerful thing.

  You know who brings hope in our daily lives?  The actual Savior, Jesus Christ, the Messiah.  This Jesus comes defeating sin and death, forgiving us of our sin, promising to be with us always till the end of the age, and reminding us that he is our resurrection and life.  Jesus comes every day to you to lift you up, give you strength, comfort you in the midst of your hardship and grief, and bearing your burdens.  Jesus is a real Savior who day after day gives his life for your life, day after day reminds you that you are loved, day after day giving you grace and mercy.  Jesus has come to save you and give you hope.  Always.

   Look, I don’t know if Justin Fields is going to lead the Bears to the promised land of a Super Bowl victory, but I do know this: my Savior Jesus Christ will bring me to eternal life.  I know that as I cry after another Bears defeat to the Green Bay Packers, the Lord will be there to comfort me.  I know that in Jesus I always have hope, for my faith resides not in a quarterback but in the Son of God, the Word made flesh, the Messiah, Jesus Christ.  May you place your faith in this same Savior and receive the hope that all receive in Jesus Christ.  Thanks be to God!




Trinity Tidings for August 9, 2021

Posted on: August 9th, 2021 by Brad Peterson


Lunch & Pie Social Sunday, August 22nd, 10 am till 4 pm. Sign-up to work or donate in the fellowship hall.  We appreciate all you do to make this Trinity tradition happen!

Float riders needed!  We are looking for people of all ages to ride our “May the Lord Be With You” float in the Sunday Pickle Fest parade!  Kids get a candy bag and get to keep the inflatable light saber they will have for the float! Contact PB or Lenny Lange if you or your child is interested.  Float will be near the end of the parade this year. 

Fire Pit Worship Service, Wednesday, August 18th, 6:30 pm. S’mores will be served after worship!

No Wednesday worship on August 25th.  Join the Men’s Band at First Lutheran in Cumberland at 6 pm.  Corn Boil prior at 5 pm.

Confirmation Parent Meeting, September 1st, 6:30 pm.   This meeting is for all confirmation students and parents in 7th & 8th grade for this school year.

Sign up to mow the church lawn:

Sign up to water and weed our garden:

Don’t forget that you can support Trinity through the GivePlus app OR using the donate form on our website.  Download the free app, search for Trinity Lutheran Boyceville, and go from there! 


 1 Kings 19:4-8

But Elijah himself went a day’s journey into the wilderness, and came and sat down under a solitary broom tree. He asked that he might die: “It is enough; now, O Lord, take away my life, for I am no better than my ancestors.” Then he lay down under the broom tree and fell asleep. Suddenly an angel touched him and said to him, “Get up and eat.” He looked, and there at his head was a cake baked on hot stones, and a jar of water. He ate and drank, and lay down again. The angel of the Lord came a second time, touched him, and said, “Get up and eat, otherwise the journey will be too much for you.” He got up, and ate and drank; then he went in the strength of that food forty days and forty nights to Horeb the mount of God.

   I have always gotten a lot out of the above story.  Elijah is one the run, running for his life.  He wants to give up.  He is tired, he is exhausted, he has had enough.  He has given up.  Have you ever felt like that?  Like everything has become too much and what is the point of it all?  I know I have.  There were moments, especially during the pandemic, where I wondered if anything mattered at all.  There have been times when it seems like I won’t be able to get to the next day, or the next one after that.  I think that is one of the reasons I resonate with this story.  Sometimes everything just seems to be too much.

  But just as Elijah has reached his limit, when he ready to give it all up, the Lord appear through an angel.  The Lord feeds Elijah and gives him something to drink.  Then the Lord does it again.  The Lord strengthens Elijah so that he can make it to the end of his journey.  The Lord helps Elijah and not only renews him in body but also in spirit. 

   The same is true for us.  The Lord feeds us, feeds us with his word, his Spirit, his hope.  The Lord brings people into our lives to help us keep going, our own “angels” if you will.  Even in the midst of the hardest times of our life, the Lord is there to strengthen us for the journey.  I have felt this many times in my life, finding strength and hope where I thought there was none there.  That didn’t come from me.  It came from my Savior Jesus Christ, my Lord, the living bread from heaven.  

   It is so easy to give up.  Sadly, I have given up too many times in my life, forgetting that my Lord was there for me. I forgot that we have the promise of our Lord who will sustain us, strengthen us, and guide us.  No matter how bad it gets, no matter what despair we find ourselves in, we are not alone.  The Lord is there to feed us, to give us something to drink, a drink of hope, love, strength, and grace.  We can get through anything because our Lord is there with us. Every moment of every day. 

   Today, I pray that no matter what journey you are on, no matter how hard it is, that you will see that you do not travel alone.  Your Lord is with you.  Your Lord is feeding you, strengthening you, and your Lord will be there.  To be your strength.  To be your guide.  Today and every day.  For that we can say, “Thanks be to God!” 




Trinity Tidings June 6, 2021

Posted on: June 6th, 2021 by Brad Peterson


Small group activities can be without masks if everyone participating is vaccinated.

As of June 6th, 8 am worship becomes mask optional.

Fellowship returns June 6th after the 9 am service.  To serve fellowship, please sign-up here:

Starting June 9th, Wednesday worship becomes mask optional

Starting July 1st, all activities at Trinity will be mask optional.

Starting on July 11th, Sunday worship will only be at 9 am inside, mask optional.

Wednesday Worship moves to 6:30 pm starting in June.

Vacation Bible School June 14-18.  You can register for Vacation Bible School now online at:   Please put in TrinityDayCamp when you register.

Sign up to mow the church lawn:

Sign up to water and weed our garden:

Don’t forget that you can support Trinity through the GivePlus app OR using the donate form on our website.  Download the free app, search for Trinity Lutheran Boyceville, and go from there! 


  Recently Amy and I were having some time with some friends when the subject of “Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom” came up.  During the conversation, we all agreed that the movie wasn’t very good and was possibly the least favorite of the Indiana Jones movies (though “Kingdom of the Crystal Skull” is pretty bad).  After that conversation, later that night, Amy and I decided to watch “Temple of Doom” again.  And, though it still doesn’t vault over the original or “The Last Crusade,” it was better than I remembered.  I found myself really digging some parts of it a lot more than I had before.  I had given it another chance and was surprised.

  Sometimes we make judgements about things in life and we never give something a second chance to have our mind changed.  I do this a lot with food (shocking, I know).  For years, I hated cold pasta salad.  A staple of funeral meals, picnics, and the dinner table of my youth, I really disliked it and tried to avoid it.  Yet, the other day Amy made a pasta salad I really enjoyed it!  I even had seconds!  I gave it a second chance and I was pleasantly surprised. 

   Too often we make a judgment about something and never give it a second chance or thought.  Our minds are made up.  Maybe it is due to pride or stubbornness, but we might be surprised when we give something a second look or opportunity.  Especially people.  We make a judgement on a person and that’s it.  But that is not how the Lord works.

   The Bible is littered with stories of people who didn’t always make the best decisions or did wrong things and yet the Lord gave them a second chance, forgave them and changed them. Peter denied Jesus and yet is the chief of the disciples.  Paul persecuted Christians and yet became the greatest of proclaimers of Jesus. After all, the Lord doesn’t make his mind up about you.  Despite your sinfulness, your mistakes, your wrong choices, the Lord always gives you another chance when you come to him in repentance.  Through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, there is always grace, forgiveness, and renewal close at hand.

   Give some second chances.  Take a chance that you might be surprised.  And remember the second chances you have in your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who loves you, forgives you, and will always have a place for you.  For that we can say, “Thanks be to God!” 

Trinity Tidings May 23

Posted on: May 24th, 2021 by Brad Peterson


Thank you to everyone who bid on the Mission Trip Silent Auction!  The youth raised over $4,300!  Thank you for your support of our youth!

Ultimate Crew!  THIS Wednesday, May 26th, 3:30 pm till 5:00 pm for all 3rd-6th graders.  Snacks, games, music, and more!  All your favorite things about the Crew! 

Small group activities can be without masks if everyone participating is vaccinated.

Starting June 6th, 8 am worship becomes mask optional.

Fellowship returns June 6th after the 9 am service.  To serve fellowship, please sign-up here:

Starting June 9th, Wednesday worship becomes mask optional

Starting July 1st, all activities at Trinity will be mask optional.

Starting on July 11th, Sunday worship will only be at 9 am inside, mask optional.

Wednesday Worship moves to 6:30 pm starting in June.

Congrats to our 2021 graduates!

Vacation Bible School June 14-18.  You can register for Vacation Bible School now online at:   Please put in TrinityDayCamp when you register.

Don’t forget that you can support Trinity through the GivePlus app OR using the donate form on our website.  Download the free app, search for Trinity Lutheran Boyceville, and go from there! 


  This time of year, with graduations happening, I always find myself looking back a bit to my childhood and my time in high school and college.  My elementary and middle school years were in the 1980’s and my high school and college years were in the 1990’s, so I lived in a glorious time.  Nowadays, 90’s trends are coming back and my own Goddaughter over the past few years has asked for movies from those time periods for Christmas and birthday gifts (I’m incredibly proud).

  So I thought it would be fun to share some of my favorite pop culture items from that time period.  We are all shaped by the time and place we grew up in.  Remembering that past can bring us joy but also inform how we are in the future.  From the embarrassing fashion (there is much) to the impact of movies, TV, and music, we look at the world through the lens of those influences and that time and space.  I hope these lists either give you chuckles, make you say “What is he thinking?” or inspire you to check this stuff out for yourself.  Have a blessed week!

My Top Ten Movies of the 1980’s:

 Note: two Star Wars movies were made in the 1980’s.  They are not included in these lists because Star Wars movies, even the really bad ones, are better than any other movies ever).

  1. Ferris Bueller’s Day Off
  2. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
  3. Footloose
  4. Karate Kid
  5. Dirty Dancing
  6. The Breakfast Club
  7. Die Hard
  8. Top Gun
  9. Say Anything
  10.  Bull Durham

(I can think of at least ten more movies I could easily add here that I didn’t.  I picked these because these are the ones I tend to watch the most or stick with when they are on cable.)

Top Ten Non-Ballad Songs of the 1980’s

  1. Jump-Van Halen
  2. Sweet Child O’ Mine-Guns ‘N Roses
  3. Walk this Way-Run DMC with Aerosmith
  4. Let’s Go Crazy-Prince
  5. The Way You Make Me Feel-Michael Jackson
  6. Footloose-Kenny Loggins
  7. Back in Black-AC/DC
  8. Fight for Your Right-Beastie Boys
  9. Old Time Rock & Roll-Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet Band
  10.  Bust a Move-Young MC

Top Ten Ballads of the 1980’s

  1. Lost in Your Eyes-Debbie Gibson
  2. You’re the Inspiration-Chicago
  3. The Lady in Red-Chris De Burgh
  4. Carless Whisper-George Michael
  5. Time after Time-Cyndi Lauper
  6. Wonderful Tonight-Eric Clapton
  7. She’s Like the Wind-Patrick Swayze
  8. Angel Eyes-The Jeff Healey Band
  9. Angel-Aerosmith
  10.  In Your Eyes-Peter Gabriel

Top Five Hard Rock Songs not listed above

  1. You Shook Me All Night Long-AC/DC
  2. Panama-Van Halen
  3. Nothing But a Good Time-Poison
  4. Livin’ on A Prayer-Bon Jovi
  5. Welcome to the Jungle-Guns N Roses

Top Five Songs I Love Now but Never would have admitted it in the 1980’s so that I would be thought of as cool

  1. Only in My Dreams-Debbie Gibson
  2. Hangin’ Tough-New Kids on the Block
  3. I Think We’re Alone Now-Tiffany
  4. I Wanna Dance with Somebody-Whitney Houston
  5. Sister Christian-Night Ranger

Top Movies of the 1990’s

  1. Goodfellas
  2. Silence of the Lambs
  3. Dazed and Confused
  4. 10 Things I Hate About You
  5. Tombstone
  6. Heat
  7. Happy Gilmore
  8. The Matrix
  9. The Usual Suspects
  10.  The Shawshank Redemption

Top Ten Non-Ballad Songs of the 1990’s

  1. Sabotage-Beastie Boys
  2. No Diggity-Blackstreet
  3. Big Poppa-Notorious BIG
  4. Give It Away-Red Hot Chili Peppers
  5. Ants Marching-Dave Matthews Band
  6. All Apologies-Nirvana
  7. Mmm mmm mmm-Crash Test Dummies
  8.  The Sweater Song-Weezer
  9. 7-Prince
  10.  Shoop-Salt ‘N Peppa

Top Ten Ballads of the 1990’s

  1. More than Words-Extreme
  2. One-U2
  3. It Must Have Been Love-Roxette
  4. Everything I Do, I Do it For You-Bryan Adams
  5. Nothing Else Matters-Metallica
  6. I Don’t Want to Miss A Thing-Aerosmith
  7. Kiss From a Rose-Seal
  8. It Must Have Been Love-Roxette
  9. Bed of Roses-Bon Jovi
  10.  To Be With You-Mr. Big

Top Five Songs I Love Now but Never would have admitted it in the 1990’s so that I would be thought of as cool

  1. …Baby One More Time-Britney Speaks
  2. Hold On-Wilson Phillips
  3. MmmBop-Hanson
  4. Wannabe-the Spice Girls
  5. I Want it That Way-Backstreet Boys

Top 5 Disney Movies of the 1980’s & 1990’s

  1. The Little Mermaid
  2. Beauty and the Beast
  3. Aladdin
  4. The Lion King
  5. Toy Story

Top 5 Disney Songs of the 1980’s & 1990’s

  1. Be Our Guest-Beauty and the Beast
  2. Kiss the Girl-The Little Mermaid
  3. A Whole New World-Aladdin
  4. Under the Sea-The Little Mermaid
  5.  Friend Like Me-Aladdin




Trinity Tidings May 16

Posted on: May 16th, 2021 by Brad Peterson


Mission Trip Silent Auction Begins online on May 9th.  You can go to  Auction runs till May 19th at 6 pm.

Graduate Recognition Sunday is Sunday, May 23rd, at the 9 am worship service.

Ultimate Crew!  Wednesday, May 26th, 3:30 pm till 5:00 pm for all 3rd-6th graders.  Snacks, games, music, and more!  All your favorite things about the Crew! 

Wednesday Worship moves to 6:30 pm starting in June.

Vacation Bible School June 14-18.  You can register for Vacation Bible School now online at:   Please put in TrinityDayCamp.  

Don’t forget that you can support Trinity through the GivePlus app OR using the donate form on our website.  Download the free app, search for Trinity Lutheran Boyceville, and go from there! 


   I found this poem looking through some old stuff.  Thought you might all like it.

I asked God for strength, that I might achieve;

I was made weak, that I might learn humbly to obey.

I asked for health, that I might do greater things;

I was given infirmity, that I might do better things.

I asked for riches, that I might be happy;

I was given poverty, that I might be wise.

I asked for power, that I might have the praise of men;

I was given weakness, that I might feel the need of God.

I asked for all things, that I might enjoy life;

I was given life, that I might enjoy all things.

I got nothing that I asked for, but everything I hoped for.

Almost despite myself, my unspoken prayers were answered.

I am among all men most richly blessed.

   Anonymous Confederate Soldier


